You know how there’s someone in your life that has bad breath but you’ve been too embarrassed to tell them.
If you’d like to help cure their bad breath and be assured of fresh breath yourself, maybe we can help
We asked Dr Derek Golding, a dentist with over 4 decades of experience in clinical practice.
“ What is the most important question that you get asked.”
“The question that I get asked day in and day out “ he replied “is”
“How can I be certain that my breath is fresh”.
Having seen all the damage done by toothpastes and mouthwashes with all their chemicals, detergents and abrasives, Dr Golding has taken a completely new approach to Breath fresheners.
His team of scientists and chemists have come up with a revolutionary breath freshening gel, a healthy alternative to the chemical mouthwashes that clog up the supermarket shelves.
Instead of the scorched earth policy of killing all bacteria in the mouth, Dr Golding and Toothtapping Corp. have designed their products with your health in mind.
They understand that most of the bacteria on and in us are actually beneficial and crucial to our health and we only want to get rid of the harmful ones.
Breathealer probiotics are designed to stimulate the flow of healthy saliva and re introduce the beneficial bacteria into your mouth, crowding out the harmful bacteria.
Dr Golding’s patients report that the Breathealer gel helps alleviate dry mouth, freshens breath, Helps clear sinuses and sinus drip, the main causes of bad breath
It only takes One quick squirt, to notice Immediate results It’s Safe, healthy and natural, Give it a shot today!